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Spiritual Thoughts

Continue to hold onto God

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.
Galatians 6:9

We can become numb to God's love and blind to the wonderful things He does. It is easy to forget the not so spectacular blessing we receive daily. Sometimes our battle is within US, more than from any outside source. Our daily routines can become monotonous, we work hard but can almost expect tomorrow will hold the same as today. If we stay in this mindset we will get tired and begin considering our work a chore rather than a pleasure. This lethargic attitude affects not only our relationship with God but with others. When our love line begins to grow cold we will run the risk of wandering away from God's truth. We must remember that God is just as faithful in our day to day routines, as He is in our crisis. When life seems to be dull and we are getting tired of the same old same old, we need to trust in God's faithfulness and rest in His love. If we continue to hold onto Him, we will reap in His perfect time.

Blessed be Your Holy Name Lord! I thank You for being faithful and I trust that under Your wings my soul will find rest and shelter. When I begin to grow weary You give me strength and hope to continue in my service to You. Thank You. Amen.


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